- What if I would like to provide some feedback to Meals on Wheels?
We are always happy to receive compliments, complaints or suggestions. Use the feedback form on our website here or phone us on 5446 1000 and one of our friendly staff will be happy to discuss your query.
- Can I have a small serve because I am not a big eater?
The Coolum Beach Meals on Wheels three-course meal accounts for a little over a third of an older person’s nutritional and energy requirements. We do recommend that clients try eating the full meal when it is delivered hot. However, we also understand that some days you may not feel like this all at once, so perhaps the dessert could be eaten later in the day e.g. for afternoon tea? Coolum Beach Meals on Wheels does not suggest splitting the meal, but if it is done at any time, we recommend supplementing the meal by having other food e.g. a toasted sandwich with the soup, a bread roll with the main course, or any of the other meals as suggested by our ‘Healthy Eating Guide’ provided at your initial meeting.
- Can’t you just leave my meal somewhere if I am not going to be home?
Coolum Beach Meals on Wheels must ensure that the meal is delivered safely and within health regulation time frames set by Queensland Health.
Our “More than just a meal” motto means that our delivery volunteers ensure your well being through personal contact This is very reassuring to your family if they don’t live nearby.
If you know in advance that you will not be home at the time of your meal delivery on a certain day, you could arrange with a neighbour to take delivery or you may pre-order a frozen meal in advance, to be delivered the day before! You should always phone the office on 5446 1000 to make any changes to your normal food delivery. If you arrange with your neighbour to accept your meal please let the office know their address.
- What do I do if I need to cancel a meal delivery?
Coolum Beach Meals on Wheels needs 24 hours’ notice to cancel your meal if you are not going to be home to receive it. We will not charge for a meal if you let us know in advance.
- How do you keep the cost of the meals so affordable?
By using a dedicated volunteer workforce! Those members of our local community who give freely of their time, skills and resources enables Coolum Beach Meals on Wheels to offer such a value-packed service..
- How do I pay for my meals?
Coolum Beach Meals on Wheels preferred method of payment is direct debit as this helps keep costs down and saves our volunteers from having to handle cash on their deliveries. Of course, you can pay by cash, if you prefer. When we talk to arrange meal delivery, we will provide all the necessary information to enable payment via direct debit to take place. Bank details are kept strictly confidential.
- Does Meals on Wheels provide texture modified meals?
Yes, we do provide texture modified meals and a referral from a speech pathologist or a doctor is necessary for these meal varieties.
- What if I have a special diet or allergies to food?
Coolum Beach Meals on Wheels can provide a selection of special diets for those with an identified medical need and have a referral from a doctor, speech pathologist or appropriate healthcare professional.
- There are certain foods that I don’t like. Is that alright?
Coolum Beach Meals on Wheels volunteer-based system makes it difficult to cater for every personal like or dislike. Our menu allows for choice so you should be able to avoid dishes not to your taste.
- What do I do for my other meals?
Coolum Beach Meals on Wheels provides a sound base for daily nutrition. We recognise that people have special and individual needs and circumstances and we encourage our clients to have a plan to make sure they have the energy for living happily and better. We have a range of leaflets such as our ‘Healthy Eating booklet, which will provide you with other hints and tips for easy to prepare meals. You can discuss your individual situation with us as there may be other options that we can suggest. We also offer the option of fresh cooked meals which are specially frozen and can be delivered to you for weekends and holidays.
- Do I have to have Meals on Wheels delivered every day?
No – it is entirely your choice. There are no minimum requirements.
Coolum Beach Meals on Wheels can offer a seven-day meal service if you wish. On Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we provide a hot lunchtime meal. We also offer the option of fresh
cooked meals which are specially chilled and/or frozen and can be delivered to you for Tuesdays and weekends. - I only want meals for a few weeks. Is that OK?
Sure! We have no minimum time period, as we understand our service might only be needed for a few weeks to give people a chance to recover and get back on their feet. We will review your service needs with you regularly.
- How do I make a referral?
You can use the referral form here or call us on 5446 1000, where one of our friendly staff can assist you over the phone.
- How do I access the Meals on Wheels service and do I need a referral?
A simple call to us on 5446 1000 where one of our friendly staff can assist you over the phone. Referrals can come from anywhere, including family members, friends and even by referring yourself!
Formal referrals are also happily accepted from general practitioners, heath care professionals, community care providers. - Who is eligible for Meals on Wheels?
Anybody who has difficulty with shopping or cooking for themselves with ease, is eligible. The service is provided to older people, people with a disability, people recovering from surgery and of course,
carers. The service is not means tested, is based on need and there are no waiting lists! - Is Meals on Wheels a Government service?
No, Coolum Beach Meals on Wheels is an independent community-based volunteer organisation, incorporated in Queensland with oversight by a volunteer Board. The cost of meals is primarily covered by our modest charges; the balance comes from Federal Government support, grants, public donations and legacies.
- Why is the Coolum Beach Meals on Wheels service needed?
There are people in our community who for a variety of reasons are unable to cook or shop for themselves with ease or simply don’t want to cook meals every day of the week. Their ability to live independently at home is enhanced by the Coolum Beach Meals on Wheels service.

Arrange home delivery today.
Call 07 5446 1000